Octopuses are some of the coolest and most intelligent creatures in the ocean. They can solve puzzles, mimic other animals, and even use tools, which is why they’re often considered some of the smartest animals on Earth. But there’s so much more to them than just their brains. With their incredible ability to camouflage, their unique anatomy, and their complex behaviors, octopuses are truly nature’s little marvels. In this post, we’re going to count down the 10 smartest octopuses, starting with the least intelligent and working our way up to the most brainy of them all. So, stick around to learn more about these fascinating creatures and, in turn, discover the hidden brilliance that truly sets them apart from other animals!
What Makes Octopuses So Intelligent?
Octopuses are incredibly unique animals with exceptional intelligence. Unlike most creatures, their nervous system is highly distributed, with neurons spread throughout their arms, allowing them to think and act independently. This makes them one of the most advanced problem-solvers in the animal kingdom. They can figure out how to open jars, escape enclosures, and even manipulate objects to suit their needs.
But it’s not just their problem-solving abilities that make them special. Octopuses have advanced communication skills, using body language, color changes, and postures to express themselves. Their ability to camouflage themselves, blending seamlessly with their surroundings, is a direct reflection of their cognitive sophistication. Beyond just survival, these abilities demonstrate the beauty of their adaptive intelligence.
As we explore these fascinating creatures, it’s important to appreciate not only their cognitive abilities but also their vital role in the ecosystem. They help maintain balance in marine environments and serve as a reminder of how complex and interconnected nature is.
Most Intelligent Octopuses in the World
10. Southern Blue-Lined Octopus (Hapalochlaena fasciata)
While not known for performing intricate tasks like some other species, the Southern Blue-Lined Octopus displays quick learning and adaptability in its environment. This octopus uses color changes and clever hiding techniques to protect itself, demonstrating basic intelligence in survival. Despite its smaller size, it plays an important role in its ecosystem, teaching us the importance of even the less flashy creatures in maintaining balance in nature.
Why is it intelligent?
Its ability to rapidly adapt to environmental changes and communicate through color makes it highly adaptive. While not as complex in its behaviors as other species, its intelligence lies in its ability to think quickly in high-risk situations.

9. Blanket Octopus (Tremoctopus spp.)
The Blanket Octopus is a fascinating species known for its unique behavior and remarkable adaptations. This deep-sea dweller is famous for its dramatic “blanket” of webbing that extends from its body and arms, which it can use for camouflage and to ward off predators. The blanket is not only a visual defense mechanism but also plays a role in the octopus’s ability to blend into its environment, making it harder for predators to spot. Despite its beauty, the Blanket Octopus is incredibly intelligent, showing a level of resourcefulness and problem-solving abilities.
Why is it intelligent? The Blanket Octopus is known for its advanced hunting techniques and impressive use of tools. One of the most notable behaviors is its ability to use the tentacles of the Portuguese man o’ war, which are highly venomous, as a weapon to defend itself from predators. The octopus can detach these tentacles and wield them like a weapon, demonstrating an understanding of its environment and the potential threats within it. This form of tool use and defensive strategy highlights the Blanket Octopus’s ability to think critically and use available resources to its advantage. Its intelligence helps it survive in the deep ocean, where adaptability and cognitive flexibility are essential for navigating complex environments and evading threats.

8. Atlantic White-Spotted Octopus (Octopus macropus)
The Atlantic White-Spotted Octopus is a master of camouflage, changing its color and texture to blend with its environment. While it doesn’t engage in complex tool use, it exhibits creativity in using its surroundings for protection. Its ability to adapt to new challenges makes it a fascinating creature to study.
Why is it intelligent?
This octopus naturally demonstrates an ability to assess threats and take immediate action. Moreover, its intelligence is primarily focused on self-preservation, constantly adapting its behaviors for survival in different environments.

7. Veined Octopus (Amphioctopus aculeatus)
The Veined Octopus stands out for its use of tools, such as coconut shells, to build shelters. This remarkable ability to use objects for practical purposes shows a high level of cognitive processing. It’s a perfect example of how octopuses can adapt and survive by thinking creatively.
Why is it intelligent?
Its use of tools and problem-solving strategies for shelter demonstrates an impressive level of understanding. The Veined Octopus shows that intelligence can be simple yet effective when used for survival.

6. Coconut Octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus)
The Coconut Octopus is one of the most creative tool users among octopuses. It uses coconut shells not only for shelter but also as a mobile escape tactic. This ability to manipulate objects showcases its advanced intelligence in both problem-solving and planning ahead.
Why is it intelligent?
Its ability to collect and use tools for shelter and survival is a testament to its cognitive flexibility. The Coconut Octopus shows that intelligence is not just about solving puzzles but also about understanding how to manipulate the environment to one’s advantage.

5. Giant Pacific Octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini)
The Giant Pacific Octopus is a true problem-solver. Known for its ability to open jars, navigate mazes, and escape enclosures, this species has been extensively studied for its intelligence. It demonstrates both short- and long-term memory and an ability to adapt its behaviors to new challenges.
Why is it intelligent?
The Giant Pacific Octopus’s remarkable problem-solving skills, as well as its ability to learn through experience and retain memories, set it apart. In fact, its intelligence is one of the most well-documented in the cephalopod world. Therefore, it serves as a perfect example of advanced cognitive abilities in octopuses.

4. Larger Pacific Striped Octopus (LPSO) (Octopus corrugatus)
The Larger Pacific Striped Octopus is an extremely intelligent species, known for its ability to communicate and solve problems. It displays an understanding of its surroundings and has been observed using objects for various purposes. This octopus is a true testament to the idea that intelligence is not just about solving problems but also about understanding how to interact with the environment.
Why is it intelligent?
Its communication skills and ability to adapt quickly to different challenges make it an exceptionally clever creature. The Larger Pacific Striped Octopus shows that intelligence is also about flexibility and understanding the world from multiple perspectives.

3. Blue-Ringed Octopus (Hapalochlaena spp.)
The Blue-Ringed Octopus may not use tools, but it is a brilliant strategist when it comes to hunting. Its venomous bite is used to subdue prey quickly and efficiently, making it a highly effective predator. This species demonstrates intelligence in its ability to calculate risk and make strategic decisions.
Why is it intelligent?
The Blue-Ringed Octopus displays intelligence through its strategic approach to hunting and survival. It calculates the risks involved in every decision, making it a highly effective predator in its environment.

2. Mimic Octopus (Thaumoctopus mimicus)
The Mimic Octopus is renowned for its incredible ability to mimic other animals. This talent allows it to confuse predators and prey alike. By impersonating lionfish, flatfish, and even sea snakes, it effectively avoids threats and increases its chances of survival. Its mimicry is a form of behavioral intelligence that allows it to adapt to a wide range of situations.
Why is it intelligent?
The Mimic Octopus is incredibly smart because of its ability to analyze and respond to its environment by copying other animals. This advanced form of deception requires a high degree of cognitive flexibility and a deep understanding of both the environment and the behavior of other species.

1. Common Octopus (Octopus vulgaris)
Topping the list, the Common Octopus is often regarded as the smartest of all octopuses. Not only that, but it is also known for its ability to solve intricate puzzles, open jars, escape enclosures, and even recognize individual humans. Furthermore, with remarkable problem-solving skills, advanced memory, and an unparalleled capacity for learning, the Common Octopus truly showcases the full extent of octopus intelligence.
Why is it intelligent?
Its problem-solving ability, memory, and ability to adapt to new environments make it the epitome of octopus intelligence. The Common Octopus’s ability to learn from experience and use tools makes it one of the most cognitively advanced creatures on the planet.

What Can We Learn from Most Intelligent Octopuses?
Octopuses offer us a glimpse into the complex world of cognition and intelligence. By studying these amazing creatures, we learn not just about their survival skills but about how intelligence can be expressed in many different forms. Whether it’s through problem-solving, memory, communication, or mimicry, octopuses reveal the beauty and sophistication of the animal kingdom.
In addition, octopuses serve as a reminder of the importance of preserving our oceans. These intelligent and beautiful creatures help maintain balance in marine ecosystems and should be protected for future generations to admire and learn from.
The most intelligent octopuses continue to amaze scientists and ocean lovers alike with their problem-solving skills, adaptability, and complex behaviors. Moreover, these remarkable creatures remind us of the vast intelligence found in nature and the importance of protecting marine life. As a result, by learning more about the most intelligent octopuses, we not only deepen our appreciation for the ocean’s wonders but also gain a greater understanding of the incredible species that call it home.